AQUACHEM available worldwide


In order to guarantee fast and first-class service, our long-standing distribution partner represents us wherever you need us.


In non-German-speaking countries, our Finnish partner Roxia steps in for us and offers our filter press portfolio together with first-class advice and individual solutions that are precisely tailored to your needs.




 Germany | Austria | Switzerland

 Europe (without Germany, Austria, Switzerland)


 Spain | Portugal


Roxia (Pty) Ltd South Africa

22 Dawn Park,

5 Tugela Road, Glen Marais ext 137,

Gauteng 1619, Republic of South Africa

+27 10 001 7320


 North America




Roxia PTY LTD Australia

Level 1, 100 Havelock Street,

West Perth WA 6005, Australia

+61 8 6160 6029



Roxia CO., Ltd China

Room 751, 7F, Tower C The Place, No. 150 Zunyi Road,
Changning, 200051 Shanghai, China


+86 21 52679628